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Could you give up hope in something God has created? 

The Free Will Baptist Children’s Home serves more than 150 children in our programs each year. In order to effectively help each child, we must be skilled and knowledgeable, as well as caring and giving. If we are to realistically meet each child’s need, we must be prepared. We must be able to comfort that child when they are upset in the middle of the night, as well as teach each child how to love and how to accept it in return. 


We continue to need your help in providing for the needs of the children in our care. Together, we can give our children hope for a better future. We encourage support from our local community, individuals, businesses, civic groups and our Free Will Baptist Churches.

As a tax exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, any gift to us is fully tax deductible.

If you are interested in helping the young people who live at the Free Will Baptist Children’s Home, you can do so in one of the following ways: 


  • Cash, check, credit/debit card, life insurance, stocks, bonds and real estate. 

  • On-line recurring giving through our website.

  • Memorial or honorary gifts, given in memory or honor of a friend, loved one or relative are contributions that go a long way in showing your concern and love. Your gift is promptly recognized with an acknowledgment sent to whom you select. Acknowledgments are also printed in our Children's Home Life newsletter. 

  • Making a gift to our endowment fund (it can either be outright or deferred, such as through a bequest in a will) can turn your one-time gift into a legacy of annual gifts far into the future. Remember the Free Will Baptist Children’s Home in your will.

PO Box 249, Middlesex, NC 27557  •  (252) 235-2161

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Nationally Accredited since 1999

© 2019 by FWB Children’s Home All Rights Reserved

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